100+ Best Funny Get Well Soon Messages

100+ Best Funny Get Well Soon Messages

Posted Date: April 15th, 2023


A funny get well soon message is a lighthearted and humorous message that is meant to lift the spirits of someone who is feeling ill or recovering from an injury or surgery. The message usually includes a joke or a playful remark that is intended to make the recipient smile or laugh. The goal of a funny get well soon message is to provide some much-needed cheer and encouragement to someone who is going through a tough time.


100+ Best Funny Get Well Soon Messages

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. But on the bright side, you get to catch up on all those books you’ve been meaning to read!

Sending you lots of virtual high fives, because we can not risk spreading germs.

Get well soon, because we need you back to help us procrastinate.

I am sorry to hear you are under the weather but do not worry – I am sending you virtual chicken soup and a meme that’s guaranteed to make you laugh.

I heard you are not feeling well but I have a solution – let’s just switch bodies! I could use a break from my own for a while.

Sorry to hear you are sick but on the bright side you get to catch up on all those Netflix shows you have been meaning to watch. Just make sure to share your password with me.

I am sending you all the good vibes and virtual high-fives I can muster because I need you back in the office to make me laugh.

I heard you are feeling a little under the weather but do not worry – I am sending you a care package filled with tissues, hand sanitizer and a bottle of wine (for medicinal purposes of course).

Get well soon because we need someone to keep us entertained with their terrible jokes.

Sorry to hear you are not feeling well but on the bright side you get to stay home and avoid all the annoying people at work (including me).

I am sending you a virtual hug and a reminder that no matter how bad you feel you still look better than our boss on a Monday morning.

Get well soon because I need someone to share my office snacks with.

Sorry to hear you are sick but on the bright side you get to milk it for all it is worth and get out of doing all those annoying tasks you hate. Just make sure to bring me back a souvenir from your sick bed.

Sorry to hear that you are sick but at least you are getting a break from all those boring meetings. Get well soon so we can all suffer together again.

I hope your recovery is as speedy as your internet connection. Get well soon, tech wizard!

Wishing you a speedy recovery and a lifetime supply of hand sanitizer. We do not want you infecting us with your germs again.

Get well soon because we’re running out of people to blame for the stale donuts in the break room.

Sorry to hear you are feeling under the weather. Have you tried turning yourself off and on again? Get well soon, IT guru!

Sending you all the virtual chicken soup and hot tea in the world. Get well soon, chicken noodle!

Sorry to hear that you are sick but at least now you have a good excuse to binge-watch your favorite TV shows. Get well soon, couch potato!

Wishing you a speedy recovery and a limitless supply of tissues. Get well soon, human tissue box!

Get well soon because we need someone to make fun of in meetings. And also because we miss you but mostly the first thing.

Sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. Just remember when life gives you lemons, make lemon tea and rest up. Get well soon, sourpuss!

I heard you were sick, so I brought you a prescription of hugs and kisses. Get well soon!

I am sorry to hear you are feeling sick. But, on the bright side, at least you get to binge-watch your favorite shows guilt-free.

Sending you some good vibes, chicken soup and all the toilet paper you need. Get well soon!

I heard that laughter is the best medicine. So, here’s a joke to cheer you up: Why don’t scientists trust atoms? Because they make up everything.

I am sending you a virtual hug and some chicken noodle soup (in spirit). Get well soon!

I am sorry you are feeling under the weather. But, if it makes you feel any better, I’ll gladly take care of all your work while you recover.

Sending you a big dose of humor to cure whatever is ailing you. Get well soon!

I hope this message finds you with a speedy recovery and a pile of tissues close by.

Get well soon! We need you back in action, otherwise, who will keep us entertained at work?

Sorry to hear that you are feeling sick. But, on the bright side, you get to eat all the ice cream you want without feeling guilty.

Sending you warm wishes and good vibes for a quick recovery. And maybe some cake too, because cake makes everything better.

I am sorry you are feeling sick. But, on the bright side, at least you don’t have to go to work and can stay in bed all day.

Wishing you a speedy recovery so we can continue our (work/school) shenanigans.

I am sorry to hear you are sick. But, on the bright side, at least you get to stay in bed and watch all the Netflix you want.

Sending you lots of love and well wishes for a speedy recovery. And maybe some pizza too, because pizza makes everything better.

I heard you are feeling sick, so I brought you a virtual get-well kit: chicken soup, tissues and a few episodes of your favorite TV show. Get well soon!

I am sorry you are feeling sick. But, on the bright side, at least you don’t have to worry about being productive for a little while.

Sending you healing thoughts and a big bowl of mac and cheese. Get well soon!

I am sorry to hear you are sick. But, on the bright side, at least you have a good excuse to stay in bed all day and watch movies.

Wishing you a speedy recovery and a pile of fluffy blankets to snuggle up in.

I am sorry you are feeling under the weather. But, on the bright side, at least you don’t have to worry about doing your hair or putting on makeup.

Sending you all my love and a big basket of fuzzy socks. Get well soon!

I hope you get well soon so we can continue our (work/school) shenanigans. And maybe have a little fun at your expense.

I am sorry to hear you are feeling sick. But, on the bright side, at least you get to catch up on all your favorite books.

Sending you lots of love and a big tub of ice cream. Get well soon!

I am sorry you are feeling sick. But, on the bright side, at least you don’t have to worry about shaving your legs for a little while.

I heard you were sick. Do not worry, I’ve already started practicing my nursing skills on my stuffed animals.

I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. But look at it this way, at least you get to catch up on all the shows you’ve been meaning to watch.

I hope you feel better soon, because the world needs your sarcasm and wit.

I heard that laughter is the best medicine, so I’ve hired a comedian to follow you around until you feel better.

I hope you recover faster than a Wi-Fi connection in a thunderstorm.

Being sick is no fun, but at least you get to stay in bed all day and catch up on sleep. Silver lining, right?

I hope your recovery is faster than the time it takes to microwave popcorn.

If laughter is the best medicine, then we should probably get you hooked up to a Netflix comedy special ASAP.

I hope you feel better soon, because I need someone to laugh at my terrible jokes.

Sending you virtual hugs and chicken soup emojis until you feel better.

I am sorry you are feeling under the weather, but I am sure you’ll bounce back like a basketball on a trampoline.

Get well soon, because I need someone to complain about work with.

I hope your recovery is faster than a cheetah on a caffeine high.

I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. But on the bright side, you get to drink all the tea and eat all the chicken soup you want.

Get well soon, because the world needs more of your witty comebacks.

I hope you feel better soon, because I need someone to join me in complaining about the weather.

Sending you lots of healing vibes and cute animal videos to make you smile.

Get well soon, because we need you back at work to make fun of the boss.

I hope your recovery is faster than the time it takes to order a pizza.

I am sorry you are feeling sick, but at least you get to binge-watch all those guilty pleasure shows without anyone judging you.

Sending you lots of virtual hugs and Netflix recommendations until you feel better.

I hope you recover faster than a cat chasing a laser pointer.

Get well soon, because we need someone to join in on our Friday happy hour.

I hope your recovery is faster than the time it takes to download a software update.

Sending you lots of healing thoughts and funny cat videos to cheer you up.

Get well soon, because we need someone to complain about our annoying coworkers with.

I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. But on the bright side, you get to catch up on all those books you’ve been meaning to read.

I hope you feel better soon, because we need someone to make fun of the latest fashion trends with.

Get well soon, because we need someone to make sarcastic comments during meetings.

Sending you lots of healing vibes and a playlist of funny podcasts to keep you entertained.

I hope your recovery is faster than the time it takes to find the TV remote.

Get well soon, because we need someone to join us in rolling our eyes at the latest office gossip.

I am sorry you are feeling sick, but at least you get to stay in bed and watch all those cute animal videos on YouTube.

I hope you feel better soon, because we need someone to commiserate with about our terrible commute.

Being sick is like being grounded, but without the fun part. Get well soon!

Do not worry, your illness is no match for your awesomeness. Get well soon!

Do not a tough cookie, but even tough cookies need a break sometimes. Get well soon!

Sending you some virtual chicken soup and lots of good vibes. Get well soon!

Do not worry, we’ll save all the good gossip for when you are feeling better. Get well soon!

I hope you feel better soon, because I am getting tired of talking to myself.

Rest up, recharge and come back to us even stronger. But seriously, don’t come back until you are better.

I am sending you a big virtual hug, because we can not have germs spreading around here.

Just remember, Netflix isn’t going to watch itself. Get well soon and start binging!

Being sick is a great excuse to stay in bed and catch up on sleep. Take advantage of it!

I am sorry to hear you are not feeling well. On the bright side, at least you don’t have to deal with rush hour traffic.

Get well soon, because we need you back to make the office a little less boring.

I hope your recovery is as swift as a cheetah on caffeine.

Get well soon, because the world needs more of your humor and sarcasm.

Wishing you a speedy recovery, because we miss your witty comebacks and clever jokes.

Take all the time you need to rest and recover, but don’t forget to bring us back some souvenirs from your trip to Napland.

Sending you lots of virtual hugs, because we can not risk getting sick too.

Get well soon, because the office is a little less fun without you.

We miss your smiling face and infectious laughter. Get well soon and come back to us!

Do not worry, we’ve kept your chair warm for you. Get well soon and come back to your seat!

Sorry to hear you are under the weather. But on the bright side, you get to binge-watch your favorite shows guilt-free!

Take all the time you need to rest and recover, but don’t forget to come back and share all the juicy details with us.

Get well soon, because we need you back to keep the workplace entertaining.

Sorry to hear you are feeling sick. But on the bright side, you get to wear pajamas all day!

Do not worry, we won’t have any fun until you are back to join us. Get well soon!

Take all the time you need to rest and recover, but don’t forget to bring back some snacks for us.

Get well soon, because we need you back to make the office a little more chaotic.

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